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MCITTA E-Bulletin Number 01-08 | July 2008 |
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An Email message for
members of the
Marine Corps
Interrogator Translator Teams Assn
My Fellow
Marine Interrogators,
We are fast approaching our Annual Gathering for 2008
in the Washington, DC area of Chantilly, Virginia at the Hyatt
Dulles Hotel. Less than 60 days and closing! I am
looking forward to seeing you there. Let’s make an impressive
As you well know, this year we are celebrating
with the other three intelligence associations in the
Committee of Marine Corps Intelligence Associations combined
setting. This is only the second time all four
organizations have met in one place. The last was in 2004
at Reno and proved to be a splendid event.
This year we have Don and Lynne James on
station to ensure our Association’s interests are first
and foremost. Don has outlined a marvelous agenda, the
venue is great with many Marine Corps oriented
activities available, and the wonderful opportunity to
meet with old friends from the other intelligence
disciplines cannot be overlooked.
Don has
finalized the schedule of events and is included in the
complete registration package available on our
website. Since publishing our Gathering information
The Spot Report, there have been some
changes and modifications. You will notice some of the
fees for our planned activities have changed. As we are
all painfully aware, the cost of transportation is
driven by the ever-increasing cost of fuel. Don has
contracted a charter bus for our transportation needs;
however, we do have to prorate the cost among our
attending members. The more people who attend, the less
the cost per person. Right now we are anticipating $20
per person for each event where transportation is
needed. If you have ever done any driving in DC and the
suburbs of Virginia around the Beltway, you will gladly
pay the $20 just to avoid the hassle of fending your way
through the crushing traffic. Remember, the more people
who attend the Gathering, the less our transportation
costs will be.
All in all, this is sure to be the
least expensive of all our previous Gatherings.
Most of the events we have scheduled do not have
any fees associated with them, other than the
transportation costs mentioned, including our
highlight visit to the new
National Museum of the Marine Corps.
Generally, the planned stops for eating will be
no host and on your own, with the exception of
dinner on Thursday night at the
Globe & Laurel,
just outside
Marine Corps Base, Quantico following our
day at the Museum. If you’ve never been to
“the Globe” you are in for a treat. The food is
great and the atmosphere superb, for Marines.
It was mentioned in The Spot
Report we were anticipating a tour of the
Pentagon. I know many of you who have had a
tour of duty at the Pentagon may not wish to
ever see the place again, but many of our
members have not had this “adventure.”
Unfortunately, we won’t this time either. It
seems the logistics to carry this off are quite
daunting. Short of leaving your first born as
collateral, the background information needed on
each person in the tour proved to be more of an
undertaking than we were aware or willing to
undertake. Again— the results of an increase in
security, in a post 9/11 world. Thus, this
event has been cancelled. However, we are still
looking forward for a tour of the Capitol and,
hopefully (depending on his schedule), a meeting
with Senator
Jim Webb
(D-Va), former Secretary of the
Navy, author of many books, and a former Marine
officer who holds the Navy Cross, Silver Star,
Bronze Star (2) and Purple Heart (2) for his
actions in Vietnam.
Guest of Honor
Originally, former Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter
Pace, USMC was invited as the combined
convention banquet Guest of Honor.
Unfortunately, General Pace had a prior
commitment and reluctantly declined our
invitation. Thus, we invited the
Commandant of the Marine Corps, General
James Conway, who also declined, as he
will be out of the country on that
date. We are now hoping the Assistant
General Robert Magnus will accept
and honor us as our guest. However, at
this time, plans for a Guest of Honor
are tentative and may change as
circumstances dictate. We shall keep
you posted.
In past years we have attempted to have a golf
tournament as part of our Gathering. Well, interest
has been minimal and the golf event has been
relegated to a post-Gathering happening among the
die-hard golfers like John Lopez and Jack Parker,
and hackers like Mitch Paradis and myself. We
anticipated inaugurating this year’s golf affair as
the Jim Riemer Classic, to honor our
good friend and golf aficionado, Jim Riemer, who
managed a Hole in One during our first tournament at
Nellis AFB in 2003. However, it has been decided to
delay this auspicious occasion by one year and
initiate it during the San Diego Gathering. In this
venue, we will have ample and more suitable space
and facilities to make this an event for everyone,
not just golfers. We anticipate the Jim Riemer
Classic will include a general outing with
picnic and BBQ, games for all, and a golf format
that will encourage even the most basic amateur, or
even the non-golfers among us to get out and play
and join the fun activities. With everyone’s
cooperation and participation, we hope this will be
an anticipated highlight of our Gatherings in the
future. More will be revealed as the planning
committee formulates the event activities with
entertainment for all. Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, this year those same die-hards
will trek to Quantico on Saturday, 6 September
for a round of golf at the Medal of Honor Golf
Course: Jim Haskins; John Lopez; Jim Riemer;
and Mitch Paradis. There is plenty of room for
anyone who wants to stay an extra day and join
us. (It’s always fun to watch Mitch throw his
clubs around as he whacks away in the deep rough
of some Virginia swamp.)
I cordially invite and
encourage you all to attend our 6th
Annual Gathering. Help to make this year the
most successful event so far. The past five
Gatherings have been great! Let’s all move to
make this one the finest.
Please go to our
website at to download an updated
information and registration package, and check
the list of who’s attending. I’m sure you’ll
find a name or two of someone you haven’t seen
in a number of years and would love to sit down
and have a beer with and a long chat.
Please review all the changes on
Don’s schedule and if you have already
registered and not sent in sufficient
money to cover the transportation costs,
I apologize for being a bit remiss and
hope you understand the dynamics of the
times. If you don’t send Don the
additional fees prior to the Gathering,
please be prepared to cover the costs
when you arrive.
Until then, Semper Fi, and
I look forward to seeing you all.
Jim Haskins
To download a complete updated 2008
MCITTA 6th Annual Gathering Information and Registration
Package, go to our website at: and click on
Gatherings, or the special
link in the center of the page. There you will find an
updated schedule with full information. Please make your
own reservations at the Hyatt-Dulles by using the phone or
the special on-line registration tab:
CMCIA Convention Registration.
MCITTA E-Bulletin is sponsored by:
Howard Young, USMCR (Ret)
Copyright 2008© MCITTA All Rights Reserved