Marine Corps Interrogator
Translator Teams Association
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MCITTA E-Bulletin Number 03-08 |
November 2008 |
The MCITTA E-Bulletin
An Email message for members of the Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Assn |
Lest We Forget...
A Proclamation by the President of the From the fields and
forests of war-torn Europe to the jungles of Southeast Asia, from the deserts
of Our country is forever
indebted to our veterans for their quiet courage and exemplary service. We
also remember and honor those who laid down their lives in freedom's defense.
These brave men and women made the ultimate sacrifice for our benefit. On
Veterans Day, we remember these heroes for their valor, their loyalty, and
their dedication. Their selfless sacrifices continue to inspire us today as
we work to advance peace and extend freedom around the world. With respect for and in
recognition of the contributions our service members have made to the cause
of peace and freedom around the world, the Congress has provided (5 U.S.C.
6103(a)) that November 11 of each year shall be set aside as a legal public
holiday to honor America's veterans. NOW, THEREFORE, I,
have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of October, in the year of
our Lord two thousand eight, and of the Independence of the United States of
America the two hundred and thirty-third. GEORGE W. BUSH Thank you for your service. |
Marine Corps 233d Anniversary The Team Commander's Message
Happy Birthday Marines! On November 10th, members of our Association
will gather with other Marines and friends to celebrate the 233rd Anniversary
of our Corps, and 233 years of making Marines and winning battles for our
Marines have always taken pride in our contributions to the defense of our
nation and over years, the name "Marine" has taken on a legendary,
almost mystical, warrior status.
On this birthday of the
We at the Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association extend our
best wishes for a Happy Birthday to each and all of you.
Semper Fidelis
Extremists have attacked our Nation, at home and abroad, numerous times since
that fateful day in
Only a few Americans choose the dangerous, but necessary, work of fighting
our Nation’s enemies. When our chapter of history is written, it will be a
saga of a selfless generation of Marines who were willing to stand up and
fight for our Nation; to defend those who could not defend themselves; to
thrive on the hardship and sacrifice expected of an elite warrior class; to
march to the sound of the guns; and to ably shoulder the legacy of those
Marines who have gone before.
On our 233rd birthday, first remember those who have served and those
“angels” who have fallen—our reputation was built on their sacrifices.
Remember our families; they are the unsung heroes whose support and
dedication allow us to answer our Nation’s call. Finally, to all Marines and
Sailors, know that I am proud of you and what you do. Your successes on the
battlefield have only added to our illustrious history. Lieutenant General
Victor H. “Brute” Krulak said it best when he wrote, “… the United States
does not need a Marine Corps … the United States wants a Marine Corps.” Your
actions, in Iraq and Afghanistan and across the globe, are at the core of why
America loves her Marines.
Happy birthday, Marines! Semper
7th Annual Gathering
Jim and Lynne Riemer, with help from Peter Halle are hard at work putting
together a most inviting package for the MCITTA Annual Gathering to be held
in San Diego.
This is sure to be a great opportunity to experience, once again, our roots
and heritage at Boot Camp. We will be attending a recruit
graduation and mingle with today's young Marines.
More information will follow in the next edition of The Spot Report
due in December 2008. Also, stay up to date at our MCITTA website at
Mark the dates 29 September-3 October 2009 on your calendar and
join your fellow Marine Interrogators for what is sure to be a splendid
event, filled with memorable activities.
See you there!