Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association
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Jacksonville, North Carolina
 October 9, 2013

The meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at 0900 by Chairman of the Board Vince Burdelski.


Roll call of Board:

            Vince Burdelski, Chairman - present

            Michael Bianchino, Vice Chairman - excused

            Jack Parker, Treasurer - present

            Felix Conde Jr, Executive Assistant - excused

            Howard Kahn, Board Member - present


Minutes of the last meeting, November 9, 2012 were read. A motion was made by Vince Burdelski and seconded by Jack Parker to approve the minutes as read. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the board.

Unfinished Business

The Amendment to the bylaws and constitution regarding the tenure of members of the board as passed at the last meeting are now posted in our bylaws. A motion to pass the bylaws as amended was made by Vince Burdelski and seconded by Harry Todd. The motion was passed by unanimous vote.

New Business

A motion was made by Vince Burdelski to establish a quarterly bulletin to be published via e-mail, the motion was seconded by Jim Tortorici. Jim Haskins volunteered to develop the bulletin with input from members. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Jim Tortorici and seconded by Vince Burdelski to have a membership roster containing each members name, wife’s name, phone number, street address and e-mail address published in the member’s only section of the MCITTA Web Site. Members can opt out of participating in this if they so desire. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Jim Haskins, seconded by Warren Smith to discuss the location for the 2015 “Gathering” . The motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Vince Burdelski seconded by Howard Young that the 2014 “Gathering” be held at Virginia Beach to be hosted by Chuck Legeyt and the 2015 “Gathering” be held in Hawaii to be hosted by Howard Young. The motion passed unanimously.

Good of the Association

COB Burdelski encouraged the membership to gather any ITT historical items they may have and scan or e-mail them to Jeff Smith. Also, members should complete their resumes and forward to Warren Smith MCITTA Historian.

The Treasurer Jack Parker reported that the MCITTA Budget is now in the fiscal year format. The MCITTA bank account is now with Navy Federal.

COB Burdelski adjourned the meeting at 1040.


The General Assembly Meeting was called to reconvene at 0900 October10, 2013

COB Burdelski requested discussion to determine whether the 2014 “Gathering” should encompass a weekend.  A motion was made by Chuck Legeyt, seconded by Vince Burdelski that the 2014”Gathering” be held during the week. Any deviation from convening a “Gathering” not encompassing a weekend should be announced at year prior to the “Gathering” The motion passed unanimously.

COB Burdelski requested discussion on the subject of staying with the plan to have our monument erected at the Museum of the Marine at Camp Lejeune or at the Marine Museum at Quantico.

A motion was made by Vince Burdelski, seconded by Jim Haskins to finalize plans to erect the ITT monument at the Museum of the Marine at Camp Johnson (Montford Point) and that all paperwork concerning erecting the monument at Quantico be kept by Harry Todd until the monument is erected at Camp Johnson. The motion passed unanimously.

COB Burdelski adjourned the meeting at 0950.

Respectfully submitted,

Howard Kahn

Acting Executive Assistant