April 25, 2004, 9:00 a.m. San Antonio, Texas
The Second annual General Assembly of the MCITTA was called to order
by the presiding Team Commander, Harry J. Todd, Jr. at 0902 on April
25, 2004 in the Sheraton Four Points.
A formal protocol on procedures to conduct the General Assembly
is pending. The meeting proceeded with an air of informality under
Roberts Rules of Order.
A formal Roll Call was not conducted. Officers in attendance were:
Team Commander Harry J. Todd, Jr.; 1st Sub-Team Commander
Howard Young; and Team Chief Mitchell P. Paradis. Absent with notification
were: 2nd Sub-Team Commander Howard Kahn and 3rd
Sub-Team Commander Douglas Brower. A quorum of officers was established.
Rank and File members in attendance: Michael Bianchino; Ronald
Bragdon; Felix Conde; Frank Espinosa; Zacharias Fuentes; James Haskins;
Richard Hornbeak; Donald James; Brian Jones; Allen Kent; James Kerley;
Anthony Milavic; James Riemer; Jeff Smith; Willard Thoma; Harold
Weist. A quorum of 10% of the membership was established.
The Minutes of the Inaugural General Assembly Meeting held in Las
Vegas is 2003 were not available for reading. The membership accepted
the minutes without reading by unanimous vote.
Team Commander Harry Todd reported on the State of the Association.
He stated the Association continues to move forward in positive strides.
He expressed his vision of a membership of 250 by 2006 as the Association
continues to locate and identify past Marine Interrogators.
Due to personal considerations, Timothy Corrigan relinquished his
elected position as the 2nd Sub-Team Commander (Financial
Secretary). The Team Commander appointed Howard Kahn of North Carolina
to the position to serve until the next general election.
Timothy Corrigan accepted appointment as the Association Chaplain
with primary duties to preside over the annual Memorial Services.
A finance report from 2nd Sub-Team Commander Howard Kahn,
in absentia, was read and accepted. (See Attachment A) Current balance
in the treasury is $1,538.31.
Team Commander Harry Todd reported the Gear Locker account currently
carries a balance of $1,591.06. This figure does not reflect the initial
outlay of funds by the TC to defray the cost of production of items
carried in the Gear Locker.
A report from Frank Espinosa indicated that the costs of the Gathering
were covered and all bills were paid. He indicated a surplus of some
$500 would be forwarded to the 2nd Sub for deposit to the
Association bank account. A complete account will follow.
Member Ron Bragdon moved to accept the Financial Report as presented.
Richard Hornbeak seconded the motion. It was accepted moved by unanimous
The Membership Committee was the only committee tasked at the Inaugural
Gathering and the only committee reporting at this meeting.
Upon presentation by Mitchell Paradis of the Membership Committee
report (See Attachment B) a discussion followed concerning eligibility
for membership.
Discussion followed on continuing the "no dues" requirement
for membership in the MCITTA. A proposal for donations based on
Legacy Pledges centered on modifying the classifications and amounts
of the requested donations. Howard Young proposed that only three
donation categories be utilized: $25 for a Support Legacy certificate;
$50 for a Commanders Legacy certificate; and $100 for a Patronage
Endowment certificate.
At the conclusion of the discussion period a motion to accept the
Membership Committee report was made by Anthony Milavic and seconded
by Ron Bragdon and voted unanimously to accept.
Member Zack Fuentes volunteered to do research on locating past
members of the Interrogator Translator Teams to include them on
the mailing roster.
The Team Commander reintroduced the matter of MCITTA participating
in the Marine Corps Tri-Association Intelligence Committee (MCTAIC)
based on a consensus of all members by vote ballot. This matter
was addressed at the Inaugural General Assembly and tabled for further
Participation in the MCTAIC will involve the following conditions:
The MCITTA remains completely autonomous in all matters;
MCITTA may withdraw participation at any time;
MCITTA participation will not impose financial responsibility;
Liaison Officers may be appointed at the discretion of the Team
Commander to represent the MCITTA and will act only as informational
conduits functioning at the pleasure of the membership.
James Haskins and Howard Young were selected to be the MCITTA representatives
to the MCTAIC with limited and specified decision-making authority.
A vote of the membership was held with the following results:
Jim Haskins and Howard Young will attend the MCTAIC convention
in Reno, NV during September 2004 and make a full report to the
MCITTA membership.
Team Commander Todd recommended the creation of an ad hoc committee
to review, modify or change the existing MCITTA charter, constitution
and bylaws. The will be charged with making definitive and detailed
recommendations by the following annual Gathering in June-July of
2005 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Members of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be Michael
Furgal, Jeff Smith, Robert Werkle and Richard Tanner. Mike Furgal
will chair the committee.
An Advisory Committee was proposed to provide the Team Commander
with a "cabinet" for counsel and guidance in matters of
governing the Association.
Members to this Advisory Committee shall be Alan Kent, Robert Farmer,
and Harold Weiss. These three members were selected for their national
level involvement in other similar organizations. Their first function
will be to review the recommendations of the Constitution and Bylaws
A recommendation for the position of Service Officer is created.
The Service Officer shall function as the representative of the
MCITTA to contact the families of members who pass away. The Service
Officer will acquire a short biography of the member to be remembered
at the MCITTA annual Memorial Service.
James Riemer was selected to fill this appointed position to serve
at the pleasure of the Team Commander.
The position of Officer of Service is required. This must be a
resident of person who resides in the State of California and will
act as the Agent of Service for the MCITTA Corporation with the
State. This is considered to be the most expedient and less costly
Howard Young has volunteered for this position and has submitted
the required paper work to the office of the California Secretary
of State. These documents must be filed annually.
The position of Association Chaplain was proposed. Timothy Corrigan
has accepted the first appointment as Chaplain to serve at the pleasure
of the Team Commander.
A vote was called for on the above proposals and unanimously approved.
GATHERING A motion was made by Mitchell Paradis to hold
the Gathering on biennial dates vice annually. After much debate
as to pros and cons, a motion to hold the Gathering on an annual
basis was made by Ron Bragdon and seconded by Luke Thoma. The ensuing
vote carried with three dissenting votes.
The next Gathering will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mitchell
Paradis will be the host. A report from Paradis indicates plans
are well underway and his presentation was most inviting. From a
show of hands, 15 members present indicated they would attend.
Site suggestions for the 2006 Gathering were called. No one brought
forth a proposal, therefore, it was suggested by Mitchell Paradis
that we return to Las Vegas for 2006. Howard Young volunteered to
be the host. A vote for Las Vegas was called for and the Las Vegas
proposal passed unanimously.
There being no further business of the Association brought forward,
a motion to adjourn was made by Felix Conde and seconded by Frank
Espinosa. The General Assembly Meeting of the MCITTA adjourned at
1050. The MCITTA will gather in 2005 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
and will hold the next General Assembly meeting during June-July 2005.
Respectfully Submitted
Mitchell P. Paradis
Team Chief, MCITTA
Period 3/03/03 - 3/12/04
1. Income
(a) Donations$2,642.00
(b) Interest (Checking Account) 1.30
3. Total funds as of 3/12/04$1,539.61
Respectfully submitted,
Howard Kahn
2nd Sub-Team Commander, MCITTA
The MCITTA shall not discriminate in terms of membership eligibility
based on gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion or creed.
A Membership Committee shall be formed consisting as a minimum
of the MCITTA Team Chief as the chairperson, one Member at Large
and two to five Regular members to review membership registrations
and eligibility. Any questionable applications will be presented
to the elected officers of the MCITTA, hereafter referred to as
The Executive, with the findings and recommendation for decision
of approval or non-approval for membership.
All recommendations for general policy change by the Membership
Committee must meet with unanimous approval of The Executive prior
to enacting any action.
Any division of vote by The Executive regarding any policy change
will be presented by referendum to the membership at large and any
action of The Executive may be superseded by majority vote of the
membership to such a referendum.
The Membership Committee shall review all nominations for Associate
and Honorary Membership and make their recommendation for approval
or non-approval to The Executive.
All Marines, Regular and Reserve component, Retired, and Veteran
Marines honorably discharged from the Marine Corps, who have held
the MOS 0250 (Officer) or 0251 (Enlisted) and have served in any
Interrogator Translator Team are considered members of the Marine
Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association.
Additionally, the following persons may be considered eligible for membership:
all serving or former members of the Armed Forces of the United
States, who were designated as Marine Interrogators and held either
of the aforementioned MOSs; or
Marines currently serving or having formerly and honorably served
in the Regular or Reserve components of the United States Marine
Corps, who have held an interrogator Military Occupational Specialty
(MOS) designator issued by competent authority in accordance with
Marine Corps directives in effect at the time of their service,
and have honorably served in the capacity of an Interrogator, Prisoner
of War; or
such other persons as may be recommended by The Membership Committee
and approved unanimously by The Executive.
There shall be three types of Registered Membership in the Association
¾ Regular, Associate and Honorary:
4.07.1 Regular Member
All persons who meet the Requirements of Eligibility under paragraphs
4.06 above shall be granted Regular membership on presentation of
authenticity of having held the requisite MOS and served in a Marine
Corps Interrogator Translator Team.
Authenticity shall be provided by copy of a DD214 or substantiated
by written recommendation from an existing member of the MCITTA.
"combat ipw" distinction shall be granted when verified
by written account in terms of units served, theater of operation
and numbers of bona fide POWs interrogated. Supporting documentation
shall accompany this affidavit.
A Regular Member shall receive from the Association a membership
card suitably inscribed to acknowledge membership.
4.07.2 Associate Member
A spouse of a Regular Member of the MCITTA, upon request, may be
granted Associate membership.
Spouses of deceased Marine Interrogators who have met the conditions
outlined in the Requirements of Eligibility under paragraph 4.06
above may be granted Associate membership upon approval by the Membership
Sons and daughters of deceased Marine Interrogators who have met
the conditions prescribed in the Requirements of Eligibility under
paragraph 4.06, or who could have met these conditions in the case
of Marines who have been Killed in Action, or died prior to the
formation of the MCITTA, may be granted Associate membership upon
Upon approval and recommendation of the Membership Committee, Associate
Member status may be granted to individuals who document interrogation
experience from war eras prior to the formation of the Interrogator
Translator Teams (ITT) and/or subsequent to the disbanding of these
Marines who served in the Interpreter Teams in the Vietnam War
(MOS 8611 enlisted, or 0270 Officer) and can substantiate actual
interrogator experience as an interpreter, may be eligible for Associate
Membership upon recommendation by the Membership Committee and approval
of The Executive.
An Associate Member shall have all of the rights and privileges
of a Regular Member except an Associate Member may not:
(1) hold any executive office in the Association,
- vote on financial matters of the Association.
An Associate Member shall receive from the Association a membership
card suitably inscribed to acknowledge membership.
4.07.3 Honorary Member
Any individual Regular member may nominate noteworthy persons to
the Membership Committee for Honorary membership. A person who holds
or is eligible to hold Regular membership cannot be an honorary
An Honorary Member shall have all of the rights and privileges
of a Regular Member except that an Honorary Member may not:
(1) hold any executive office in the Association, nor
(2) vote on financial matters of the Association.
An Honorary Member shall receive from the Association a scroll
and membership card suitably inscribed to acknowledge membership.
Nomination for Honorary Membership shall be considered a high honor
and reserved only for persons who have rendered exceptional and
noteworthy service to the MCITTA. Such persons should be respected
and recognized as possessing high moral character and have demonstrated
noteworthy leadership and value to the community. Such nominations
shall not be presented frivolously and will only be granted upon
careful consideration by the Membership Committee with extensive
review and unanimous vote of The Executive.
4.08 Membership Registration will be established following the
Inaugural Gathering to provide a database of Marine Interrogators to assist
locating long lost ITT friends; to provide background for recording the
history of ITT; and to provide for ease of distribution of the Association
newsletter The Spot Report, and other communiqués that will
be necessary from time to time when conducting the business of the Association.
Membership Registration from individuals shall be supported by:
Completion of the Membership Registration form and supported by
a brief biographical sketch;
a brief outline of the individual's current or previous association
or interest in the Interrogator Translator Teams;
a signed statement attesting having held one of the requisite MOSs
and/or documented proof (i.e., copy of DD214) of having held the 0250/0251
MOS; and
a one time registration fee of $25.00 (See Legacy Pledge under Section
4.09 Regular membership shall be permanent. The Membership Committee
may recommend to The Executive that membership of any member be revoked
at any time for good and just reason. The Executive shall make the final
determination to revoke membership of any individual. Such determination
shall only take effect upon careful review of all pertinent information
for cause and unanimous vote by The Executive.
4.10 An Honorary member shall be granted membership for life.
The Membership Committee may recommend to The Executive to revoke the
title of Honorary Member at any time for good and just reason. Such determination
shall only take effect upon careful review of all pertinent information
for cause and unanimous vote by The Executive.
5.01 Annual dues have not been established for membership in the
5.02 A call for dues shall be made if and when it becomes necessary
to maintain fiscal perpetuity of the Association.
5.03 The Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association
bylaws proclaim the MCITTA to be a veteran, non-profit organization and
as such all donations are tax deductible within and prescribed by the
IRS tax code, Section 501(c) 3. The MCITTA operates only through the generosity
of its members. All donations are gratefully accepted.
5.04 Members may support the MCITTA by making a Legacy Pledge.
Each Pledge will receive a "Certificate of Legacy" which will show
support and active participation in the function and administration of
the Association. This Legacy Pledge will help provide for the continuing
effort to identify, record and hand down the ITT history to succeeding
5.05 Legacy Pledges are designated as follows:
$25 Donation Support Legacy Member
receives Certificate and the MCITTA Lapel Pin.
$30 Donation Sponsor Legacy Member receives
Certificate and the MCITTA Pin and Patch.
$40 Donation Advocate Legacy Member receives
Certificate and the MCITTA Lapel Pin and Coin.
$50 Donation Champion Legacy Member receives
Certificate and the MCITTA Lapel Pin, Coin, and Patch.
Other Donations less than $25 receives a Certificate of
More than $50 receives Patronage Legacy and special recognition
by the Association Team Commander.