June 29, 2007 — 1500 — Nashville, Tennessee


         I.            Call to Order

The Fifth Annual General Assembly of the MCITTA was called to order by the presiding Team Commander, Harry J. Todd, Jr. at 1543 on June 29, 2007 in the Hospitality Suite of the Sheraton Downtown Hotel in Nashville Tennessee, the site of the MCITTA 5th Annual Gathering.

a.        The meeting proceeded with an air of informality under Robert’s Rules of Order.

       II.            Roll Call

a.     Officers:  The Team Commander conducted the roll call of officers.  Officers in attendance were:

Team Commander:                                               Harry J. Todd, Jr.

1st Sub-Team Commander:                  Howard Young

2nd Sub-Team Commander:                 Howard Kahn

Team Chief:                                                           Mitchell P. Paradis

Absent with notification:

3rd Sub-Team Commander:                  Douglas Brower

A quorum of officers was established.

b.     Rank and File: Rank and file members in attendance:


MGySgt H. Shaaraway

GySgt Cory Saxton

Felix Conde

James Haskins

Harold Weist

Willard Thoma

John Guenther

Jeff Smith


H. John Lopez

Marden Chlarson

Paul Anctil

James Riemer

Daniel Balk

Michael Getsey

Michael Bianchino


Oliver OJ Hickok

Bill Kiefer

Charles Legeyt

Jack Parker

Earl Ramey

William Lawrence

James Tororici



A total of 22 MCITTA rank and file members were present.  This does not constitute a quorum of ten percent of the total membership of 268 as of June 2007.  The Team Commander invoked Chapter 16 of Robert’s Rules of Order on Meeting Management.  The Team Commander cited the rule of ‘General Consent’.  This chapter permits proceeding as a “Business Meeting” with the members present, thus allowing all things brought up and voted upon to be legal and binding.

Seeing a valid quorum was unattainable, the Team Commander proposed, "If there is no objection, we will proceed with a Business Meeting vice the General Assembly.  Hearing no objection, and being in the best interest of the organization we will proceed with this Business Meeting by general consent."

     III.            Pledge of Allegiance: The National and Marine Corps Colors were on display at this Assembly and the members present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 

     IV.            Invocation: The Association is presently without a designated chaplain, thus, the invocation was not conducted due to the vacancy of this appointed office.

       V.            The Minutes: The minutes of the Fourth General Assembly Meeting held in Las Vegas Nevada on 22 August 2006 was disseminated to all attending members prior to the General Assembly.  The Team Commander proposed dispensing with the official reading of minutes in that all members had their own copy.  This proposal was accepted and the minutes were accepted by unanimous vote without correction.


Team Commander Harry Todd reported on the State of the Association.  He stated the Association continues to move forward; however, the goal of 275 members established last year was not attained.  The Membership Committee did move the membership numbers to 268, a noble effort.  The Membership Committee continues to locate and identify former Marine Interrogators of the ITTs as its mission. 

Team Commander Todd reported being invited to represent the MCITTA at the ribbon cutting ceremony of Baum Hall on 22 July 2007 at the Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC).  MajGen Michael Ennis with the family of GySgt Ronald E. Baum will preside at this ceremony.  The MCITTA sponsors the GySgt Ronald E. Baum Teamwork Award.  All hands are encouraged to attend.

Commander Todd advised the Assembly the MCITTA has received a letter of permission from HQMC to use the Marine Corps emblem in its logo, per MCO 5030.3B, the directive providing guidance for Unofficial Use of the Seal, Emblem, Names or Initials of the Marine Corps.  2nd Sub-Team Commander holds this document.

TC Todd requested a report from the Editor of The Spot Report and website manager:

Mitchell Paradis reported The Spot Report continues to operate within budget.  Articles continue to be received when solicited.  Materials submission is becoming difficult to obtain and the newsletter will suffer.  Paradis is requesting assistance in this endeavor.

The MCITTA E-Bulletin is being used for disseminating urgent bulletins and perishable news.  There is difficulty keeping email addresses current.

The website remains a vital link with the membership and the outside world.  The website manager, Mitchell Paradis, is requesting these duties be passed on to a knowledgeable member who will continue to work with the pro bono web master, Lucy Young of TexasNova, Inc.

Team Commander Todd reported the results of the National election for new MCITTA officers.  He noted the 36% participation from members who either mailed in their ballot or used the email service through the MCITTA E-Bulletin.  The results for the 2007 election of new officers, to be installed at the MCITTA Banquet, are as follows:

                Team Commander                                Jim Haskins
                1st Sub-Team Commander                    Marden “Chuck” Chlarson
                2nd Sub-Team Commander                  Howard Kahn (Incumbent)
                Team Chief                                            Felix Conde

TC Harry Todd delivered his “farewell address” after completing four successful years as one of the founding members of the MCITTA and its first officially elected Team Commander.  A rousing round of applause was given Harry in appreciation.  See Attachment A for a copy of his remarks.


The Financial Report from 2nd Sub-Team Commander Howard Kahn was read. (See Attachment B).

Current balance in the treasury as of June 15, 2007 is $8, 971.44.

Howard Kahn reported the tax-exempt request to the IRS for MCITTA to be redesignated to a war-veterans, non-profit organization under 501(c)(19) has been approved.  Pertinent documents are on file with the 2nd Sub-Team Commander.

Member Mike Bianchino moved to accept the Financial Report as presented.  Chuck Legeyt seconded the motion.  So moved by unanimous vote.


a.        Advisory Committee

Committee Members:

Member:        Alan Kent
Member:        Robert Farmer
Member:        Harold Weist

No report submitted.

b.       Constitution and Bylaws Committee

Committee Members:

Chairman:      Michael Furgal
Member:        Jeff Smith
Member:        Robert Werkle
Member:        Richard Tanner

No report submitted.

c.        Historical Committee

Committee Members:

Chairman:              Doug Brower, 3rd Sub-Team Commander
Member:                James Haskins
Member:                Anthony Milavic
Member:                Don James
Member:                James Riemer

The Committee Chairman was not present.  Team Commander Harry Todd gave a verbal report.  No substantial input was received in response to the call for papers, pictures, reports, etc. for inclusion in a special display at the NMITC documenting and honoring Marine Interrogators. 

Personal anecdotal reports were received from Don James on the 9th ITT in Vietnam, and from James Haskins on the 3rd ITT. 

d.       Membership Committee

Committee Members:

Chairman:              Mitchell Paradis
Member:                Paul Anctil
Member:                Harry Lee
Member:                Willard Thoma
Member:                Ron Bragdon

Mitchell Paradis presented the report as the committee chairman:  Membership in the MCITTA continues to grow.  Currently membership stands at 284 on the mailing roster.  Of this number, 268 are regular members and former Marine Interrogators, 14 Associate Members consisting of widows, offspring and principal next of kin of eligible former Marine Interrogators, and two Honorary Members.

The Membership Committee was unable to achieve the projected goal of 275 members for 2007.  The Committee continues to work diligently to find former Marine Interrogators. 

e.        Awards Committee

Committee Members:

Chairman:              Team Commander Harry Todd
Member:                Past Interim Team Commander James Haskins

Secretary:              Mitchell Paradis

There were five Certificates of Appreciation presented for exceptional volunteer services to:

Doug Brower; Mitchell Paradis; Judy Weist; Howard Young; and, Howard Kahn

                                A Commander’s Service Medal — Gold was presented to Howard Kahn
                                A Commander’s Service Medal — Silver was presented to Marden Chlarson and Felix Conde
                                A Commander’s Service Medal — Bronze was presented to Harold Weist
                                A Commander’s Service Medal was presented to Charles “Chuck” Legeyt

f.         Gathering Committee

Committee Members:

Chairman:      Howard Young
Member:        Mitchell Paradis
Member:        Michael Bianchino

Howard Young reported sufficient funds are available to defray all costs for the 2007 Annual Gathering.  Harold Weist reported a positive balance of $1,141.66 from funds collected for the Nashville Gathering, which will be forwarded to the 2nd Sub-Team Commander for deposit.

The 2008 Gathering will be held in conjunction with the 2nd Committee for the Marine Corps Intelligence Association Joint Reunion in Chantilly, Virginia.  This event will coincide with the Active Duty Intelligence Officers Symposium.  Don James elected to host the event for the MCITTA.  A discussion followed proposing the MCITTA formulate its own Gathering agenda and to cooperate with the joint receptions and other scheduled events.

Further, all other intelligence associations will hold to their own schedules and will participate in the joint reception and a joint banquet to help defray overall costs.  Transportation will be shared.

g.       Last Man Committee

Committee Members:

Chairman:      Felix Conde
Member:        Jack Parker
Member:        Luke Thoma

Chairman Felix Conde reported no additions were reported for the Remembrance Log for this Gathering. 

h.       CMCIA Representatives Report


James Haskins
Howard Young

No report.  See above information on the 2nd Combined CMCIA Joint Convention.

i.         Chaplain Report

The MCITTA Chaplain position remains vacant.

j.         Service Officer Report

James Riemer is the designated Service Officer.  No report was submitted.

k.        Officer of Service Report

Howard Young reported transferring the change of address for the National Headquarters of MCITTA from Delaware to Arizona to the Secretary of State for California.

    IX.            OLD BUSINESS

a.        PRINTING MACHINERY:  A motion was made for the MCITTA to obtain its own printing machine to help defray the cost of printing our newsletter.

A motion was unanimously adopted to form a committee consisting of Chuck Chlarson and Harry Lee to investigate the feasibility of such an undertaking and report to the Business Meeting in Nashville their findings.  James Haskins took over this responsibility and reported his findings as not being practical.  Cost for an initial machine sufficient to handle the task would require several thousands of dollars, plus the cost of a maintenance contract and supplies would be beyond the means of the Association.  Additionally, not having a permanent location for the Association headquarters would pose an addition problem on storage and location.

The question of the practicality of obtaining and maintaining our own MCITTA printing capability is not tenable at this time.  This item is resolved and closed.

b.       NEW CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT: At the 3rd Annual Gathering, Team Commander Todd proposed a second amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws to make an appointed position of the 2nd Sub-Team Commander to be designated as Treasurer; and the Team Chief position as the appointed Secretary with no term limits to ensure the continuity of finance and administrative functions.  The ensuing vote required a proposal be drafted reflecting this change and presented at the Nashville Gathering for ratification.

No action was taken or reported on this matter and remains on the agenda of Old Business.

c.        MEMBERSHIP:  Team Commander Todd proposed the Membership Committee investigate the feasibility and practicality of creating a membership card for the MCITTA.  The ensuing vote directed the Membership Committee Chairman to investigate the practicality of providing membership cards to the Marine Interrogators currently on the rolls

No action was taken or reported on this matter and remains on the agenda of Old Business.

d.       THE GATHERING: Team Commander Todd proposed the Annual Gathering be held every 18 to 24 months in lieu of the current annual pattern.  Additionally, selection of dates for the Gathering should be more closely considered in order to maximize attendance and have the least impact on work or other personal commitments/schedules.  The motion carried by unanimous vote.  The Gathering Committee has for action.

No action was taken or reported on this matter and remains on the agenda of Old Business.

e.        GATHERING CONTRACT: Team Commander Todd proposed the Gathering Committee investigate using the services of a convention coordinating company to plan and arrange future Gatherings.  The motion was carried by unanimous vote.  The Gathering Committee was to find a company that will organize the 2009 Gathering and make their report.

No action was taken or reported on this matter and remains on the agenda of Old Business.

f.         There being no further Old Business, discussion was closed.

      X.            NEW BUSINESS

a.        MCITTA DOCUMENT FILES:  Team Commander Todd proposed a permanent “home” for all pertinent documents pertaining to good order and administration of the MCITTA be found and all such documents be archived in one central location.

DISCUSSION:  Chuck Chlarson proposed that in addition to all “hard copies” being retained on file, a digital scan be initiated as “back-up” and located with several different key personnel.

Paul Anctil supported the premise and suggested that all pertinent documents be identified and catalogued as to relevance and location.

MOTION:  Mitchell Paradis made the motion that the 2nd Sub-Team Commander gather all pertinent documents pertaining to the administration of the MCITTA and relative to the official registration of the Association with various agencies and that they be catalogued and inventoried.  Harold Weist seconded the motion.

VOTE:  The motion was adopted unanimously.  The 2nd Sub-Team Commander is to conduct such an inventory and report his findings at the 2008 Business Meeting.

b.       2009 GATHERING:  Venues for the 2009 Gathering were solicited.  Some suggestions were San Francisco; San Diego; Branson, MO; Biloxi, MS.  After some discussion as to pros and cons for these venues, San Diego was proposed as the best alternative.

MOTION:  Chuck Chlarson made a motion to select San Diego as the venue for the 2009 Gathering.  Jim Tortorici seconded the motion and the vote carried unanimously.  Jim and Lynne Riemer volunteered as host and hostess.  A progress report will be provided at the 2008 Gathering in Virginia.

    XI.            GOOD OF THE ORDER

a.        For the Good of the Order:  Special Guest and MCITTA Member MGySgt Hisham Shaaraway, USMC, CI/HUMINT Chief from the Intelligence Department of Headquarters, Marine Corps addressed the assemblage on the current state-of-the-intelligence of the Marine Corps.  His address was informative on the latest concepts being advanced that will enhance the overall HUMINT effort of the Marine Corps. 

MGySgt Shaaraway discussed the proposal at HQMC to advance a program to train designated individuals within the platoon and/or the squad to be able to conduct initial tactical “interrogations” under certain battlefield conditions.

b.       For the Good of the Order:  GySgt Cory Saxton, USMC from the Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC) briefed the meeting on the latest training being introduced at NMITC to further enhance the capabilities of intelligence Marines in the field.

Gunny Saxton spoke in detail of the new Baum Hall training facility and its expanded complex to include a realistic village to create an atmosphere of actual “on-the-ground” scenarios.

MCITTA wishes to extend our heartfelt thanks to these two exceptional Marines for participating in the success of the 2007 MCITTA Gathering. 


There being no further business of the Association brought forward, a motion to adjourn was made by Felix Conde and seconded by James Haskins.  The General Assembly Meeting of the MCITTA adjourned at 1733. The MCITTA will gather in 2008 at the Hyatt Dulles Hotel in Northern Virginia and will hold the next General Assembly meeting at a location, date and time to be determined.

Respectfully Submitted

/s/   Mitchell P. Paradis

Mitchell P. Paradis
Team Chief, MCITTA

29 June 2007




Harry J. Todd, Jr.

Team Commander, MCITTA 2003-2007

Today, as I stand here before you as the Team Commander for the last time, allow me to start with a heartfelt THANK YOU ONE AND ALL.  I thank my staff, my family, my friends and you for all you did for me.  What I achieved I achieved because of everyone’s hard work, support and understanding.  The things I didn’t achieve were, of course, entirely the fault of someone else.

It has been both rewarding and often times a challenging experience to lead MCITTA through these four years of formation.  It has been strictly my honor to have been your Team Commander.  I want to take this opportunity to say a few words in that regard.

I have had the opportunity to witness great change and be part of a team that has taken progressive steps in making MCITTA an organization of renown within the intelligence community.  Let me again say “THANK YOU” for having the faith and confidence in my abilities, and for giving me your unswerving support as I worked on your behalf.  I hope in the coming years as in the past we can continue to have more and more members willing and able to jump in, vie for leadership, take on project responsibility, fill the gaps when needed and make this Association grow in both size and strength.  No organization will ever be brought down or torn apart from the outside.  Success starts and ends from inside.  From you the members.  I am glad to see here today some, though they do not always share my opinion, do share my enthusiasm for MCITTA.  As I depart I believe that MCITTA will continue to grow into an association on the move.  That will no doubt mean continued change.  I encourage you, the members, as you have in the past, to maintain an active voice in our Association.  It is after all your Association.  Without you there is no association and no chance for folks like me and your new leadership to have the honor of serving.  I also want to thank my wife. Lois, who put up with all the time, agony and worry.  Serving you has been sometimes frustrating, certainly worrisome and sometimes easy but never dull and never at the same time.

In MCITTA’s success I have played no defining role.  I credit Mitchell Paradis and the Board of Officers with supplying everything I needed.  I credit you, the members, with the inspiration for accomplishing a plan conceived of a mutual desire.  I know its not as much who reached them, as it is that we’ve go the right kind of folks to do whaever is asked and that they are self motivated.  All of us together will be stronger than any one of us alone.  Every wheel has its axle.  You are that axle for this organization.  I am but a bit of grease keeping that axle turning smoothly.  MCITTA’s accomplishments are only an extension of what you have done.  I say to you I would not have been able to accomplish anything and nothing could have been done without the selfless support of you, our members.

We have reached a milestone in MCITTA’s history.  Do we remain static with any who are satisfied with the way things are or do we move ahead with those who see and embrace change?  I believe these newly elected officers will lead us to greater things than we have so far experienced.  The welfare of MCITTA is the objective they need to direct their efforts.  The subsequent need to expand and improve is now rested upon the shoulders of others.  I’m confident that service to MCITTA will continue forward and I will watch in great anticipation.  I shall derive much satisfaction from cooperation with them.  I ask you on their behalf to be as selfless and willing to do as you have these past four years.  In doing so their administration will be as enjoyable as mine.  Although I am stepping down from the Team Commander position I will continue to be active on your behalf.

Today then, I am leaving the hurly burley of being Team Commander but I will take with me many memories of a tenure that was stimulating, challenging and usually time consuming.  I will take with me memories of all those who freely gave to support my efforts.  Being the Team Commander is now my past.  My interest is in the future of MCITTA.  To para-phrase the saying— I may be gone from office but I won’t forget MCITTA.