Chairman Comments: Museum of the Marine in NYC for Veterans Week

(Director of Operatios, SgtMaj Houle being interviewed on FOX
news during the Veterans Day parade in NYC)
the past two months, Sergeant Major of the Marine Joe Houle and
I have been out introducing the Museum of the Marine to
government officials, association heads, philanthropists and
donors in Tennessee, Virginia, District of Columbia and New York
City. Great meetings everywhere, but let me highlight what we
did New York. We were invited to participate in “Veterans Week”
by the United Veterans War Council. What a week! The council set
up a quarter of their events. Headquarters for the Museum of the
Marine and we displayed our mannequins, bricks, handouts and
case statements. We attended the Salute to Korean War Vets,
Welcome Home Vietnam Vets, the Mayor’s breakfast, and the
Veterans Day Parade with over 23,000 participants.
meet former police commissioner Ray Kelly; Councilman Erik
Ulrich; State Senator Marty Golden; Retired BG Lorrie Sutton,
head of the Mayor’s Veterans Affairs; John Rowan, long-time
President of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) among many
others—all of whom have committed to assist our Museum.
Joe Houle, Councilman Erik Ulrich, and Chairman David Brown)
Join the Monthly Giving Program!

the holiday season approaches we hope that you will think about
giving back to the Marine Corps community and sign up for the
Museum of the Marine's Monthly Giving Program. When you donate
to the Museum of the Marine’s monthly giving program you are
making it possible to take this from dream to reality for so
many men and women who have served their country in the United
States Marine Corps. No donation is too small. Your card will be
charged at the first of the month and you cancel your donation
at any time. The Museum appreciates all of its supporters.
Semper Fi and Long Live the Legends! Click below for the link to
sign up through our website.
4th Annual Gala:
A Night at the Museum

Museum's annual fund raising event was held on 25 October at
Marston Pavilion onboard Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune. The
"Night At The Museum" proved to be a great experience for all
and continued to highlight the rich heritage of Marines, Sailors
and the citizens of the communities in the Carolinas that have
supported them.

Highlighting the evening was award winning television
personality Rita Cosby who spoke to the assembled guests and
shared the story of her World War II prisoner of war father.
The future museum will not only memorialize the Marine Corps in
the Carolinas, but will also celebrate and memorialize the
communities and citizens who have contributed so much. In that
spirit, businessmen Mr. Itchy Popkin and Mr. Mat Raymond were
recognized with framed architectural graphics of the completed
museum building to show our appreciation for their dedication
and support to Marines, Sailors and their families over the
