order to distinguish the contributions made by formally trained
Marine Interrogators, the Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams
Association was formed in January 2003 at Las Vegas, Nevada as a
fraternity of Marines who wish to preserve their unique roots and
bond. MCITTA
is not allied with any outside agency,
politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in
any controversy and neither endorses nor opposes any causes other
than as prescribed in the following:
The Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association
was founded upon principles which will endure today and tomorrow
and will serve all who belong to the MCITTA, including:
- A solemn commitment to embolden the bonds and
camaraderie among Marines who share the inimitable experience
of interrogating enemy prisoners of war while upholding human
principles under the harsh conditions of war.
- A solemn loyalty to our brother Marine Interrogators,
the United States Marine Corps and the United States of America.
- A solemn remembrance of those brother Marine
Interrogators who gave their lives so that our Nation may be forever
the history of the United States Marine Corps, these Core
Values have endured:
—The quality that guides Marines
to exemplify the ultimate in ethical and moral behavior—
Above All Else, Above Self. To abide by an
uncompromising code of integrity; to respect human dignity;
to have respect and concern for each other
—The inner strength that enables
a Marine to take the extra step in the face of insurmountable
The Essence of Marines
is to do what is right; to adhere to a higher standard of
personal conduct
—The value that establishes a
Marine as the warrior and citizen others strive to emulate—
To God, Country and Corps.
it is the recognized duty of each member the one to the other, to
perpetuate the Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association,
its principles, and the Core Values of the United States Marine
do pledge and ordain the following as
the our tenets:
That we shall remain firm and constant in our support
to the United States of America, the United States Marine Corps
and to our colleagues in the Marine Interrogator Translator Teams
That the flag of our Nation shall always be held
sacred, to preserve it as our symbol worthy of the sacrifice of
our fellow Marines.
That our Association Crest shall consist
of a blazon shield vert, fimbriated Or and letters "ITT"
Or surmounting a generic Marine Corps Eagle, Globe and Anchor Or
in chief upon a circle Argent. The coat of arms in full color Gules
edged on the outside with gold rope and bearing the inscription
"Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association"
Or intersected with a single mullet one point up. Symbolism:
Scarlet and gold are the colors traditionally associated with the
U.S. Marine Corps, while red is emblematic of valor and sacrifice.
The blazon shield is representative of the tactical markings used
on vehicles and equipment by the ITT’s during the Vietnam era, while
the color green is evocative of the traditional color of the Marine
uniform. The single star intersecting the inscription shines in
memoriam of our fallen brother interrogators.
That our Association Motto INFORMATIS
VICTORIA shall represent the purpose
of interrogation of prisoners of war: to seek information, truth,
and victory.
That the Association crest may be varied to include
a scroll Or doubled Gules inscribed with the Association motto,
no other modifications being authorized.
That the Association strives to achieve a recorded
history of the Interrogator Translator Teams since their inception
in the Marine Corps.
That this researched, written and recorded history
be made available to the Alfred M. Gray Research Library at the
Marine Corps University in Quantico, Virginia to endure in the archives
for succeeding generations to appreciate and understand the value
of Marine Interrogators and their contributions to the history of
the United States Marine Corps.
That the members of the Association assemble at
a designated place each year for the purpose of camaraderie and
social fraternity. This assemblage shall be called The Annual
Gathering and will include a dining event as the high point
and culmination to the affair.
That the Association be considered a "Last
Man Standing" organization, there no longer being Interrogator
Translator Teams in the Marine Corps, and future Marines are not
trained principally as Interrogator (Prisoner of War) which will
earn the primary Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) of 0250 (Officer)
or 0251 (Enlisted).
That the Last Man be appropriately honored each
year at the Annual Gathering. These honors shall include a ceremony
befitting the occasion with the pageant of an appropriate symbol
of this observance.
That those Marine Interrogators who died in the
service of their Corps and Country will always be appropriately
remembered. We will remember them.
That a Memorial Service will be set at each Annual
Gathering to render to them appropriate honors.
That their loss shall not be in vain and we shall
maintain our unity of purpose to ensure that our Nation and Corps
remain strong and worthy of their sacrifice.
That we shall remember those of our Association
who continue to fulfill life’s final requisite.
The MCITTA has taken as its principal campaign to
be the organization to coalesce Marine Interrogators from the inception
of the Interrogator Translator Teams to its cessation as a separate
specialty within the Marine Corps intelligence occupational field
and record its history. The MCITTA sanctions the following purpose
and objects:
- To constitute an association of Marine Interrogators;
of those persons who have served or are serving in the Marine
Corps Interrogator Translator Teams; persons who support the purposes
and objects of the MCITTA, which Association shall be democratic,
nonsectarian and not affiliated with or connected directly or
indirectly to any political party or organization.
- To remain apart from any direct influence or
management by any outside agency.
- To cooperate with other organizations who hold
similar intent and purpose.
- To foster the unity and mutual support of all
who served in the Interrogator Translator Teams.
- To further the esprit de corps and the
close and kindly ties of the United States Marine Corps.
- To always celebrate our fellow Marines and the
ethos of Semper Fidelis.
- To preserve the memory and deeds of Marine Interrogators
who have fallen in combat and the members of MCITTA who shall
pass away as time continues the march¾
to the Last Man.
