Marine Corps
Interrogator Translator Teams Association
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2024 Meeting Minutes-Elections
Our 2025 Gathering will be help at the Crystal Inn Hotel and Suites, Salt Lake City from 25 - 29 September 2025. We'll update the MCITTA Facebook page as well with current gathering information.
Museum of the
Marine update 2016
"MCITTA is a fellowship of 0250s and 0251s
joined in camaraderie that get together once a year at various venues to renew
friendships and make new friends. There are no dues and the only real
requirement is that one must have been an interrogator or held the 0250 or 0251
MOS. All Marines meeting the Interrogator/or Translator requirements are
Welcomed Aboard."
Join us now on Facebook
Revised Constitution-2018
Revised Bylaws-2025
We need to make sure we have
current/correct email/home addresses.
Please notify Curtis Ferrell
of changes.
The Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association is a fraternal
Association of Marine Interrogators of prisoners of war and Interpreters of
foreign languages who have held the Marine Corps MOS of 0250 and/or 0251.
Interrogation is an art. Marines so trained have provided significant
contributions to victories on the battlefield through these up close and
personal confrontations with the enemy.
The MCITTA seeks to honor that art and perpetuate the
uniqueness of these Marines and the camaraderie that has been cultivated within
the Interrogator Translator Teams and the ethos of being Marine!
Comment by the 32nd Commandant of the United States Marine Corps:
"One of the
joys of being a Marine is that we continually draw upon our history and
actively celebrate the richness of our traditions. The simplicity of our
lifelong title- 'Marine' -brings forth association with our past and our
present, as well as the promise of our future. The stream of history extending
from yesteryear to tomorrow is a story of both change and consistency, all
centered on fulfilling our duty to the Nation."
General James L. Jones, USMC
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Several years ago, a
few Marines attempted to form an association of interrogators. Despite their
effort and noble intent, the organization did not materialize.
In 2002, with the portend of the interrogator MOS fading into history, seven
former USMC Interrogators began again to talk about forming an association that
would be open to all Marine Interrogators in order to perpetuate the
camaraderie and uniqueness of the Interrogator Community of the Marine Corps.
Several months of emails, telephone calls, and local meetings in Arizona and
California, culminated in "A Gathering of The
Seven" in Las Vegas in
January 2003.
The outcome was the formation
of the Marine Corps
Interrogator Translator Teams Association (MCITTA), defining its purpose and intent, and
appointing interim officers. The MCITTA is
a fraternal organization formed to promote and honor those individuals that
have served in an Interrogator Translator Team in the United States Marine
Corps. The MCITTA is open to all ranks of Marine
Interrogators— all active duty, reserve, retired and honorably discharged
interrogator Marines are welcome.
Founding Seven pictured from Left to Right: Jim Riemer, Mitch Paradis, Harry
Todd, Jim Haskins, Mike Bianchino, Tim Corrigan, and Howard Young. The group
met at the Marine Corps League, Las Vegas Detachment on 14 January 2003 to
form the |
The MCITTA has been incorporated under the laws of
the State of California. We are a tax exempt, non-profit, veterans organization
under IRS Section 501c (3) of the code. Presently, MCITTA has no dues or fees for membership. The
organization relies solely on member donations for support.
It is our intent to "gather"
as a group once a year in a social environment to meet and renew friendships, make
new friends, share memories, enjoy a variety of special events, and participate
in the gala MCITTA Grand Gathering Dinner and Dance. Again,
this is a fraternal organization; therefore the annual
is a reunion, not a convention. Although we gather to enjoy the camaraderie and
reminisce, we will hold a business meeting to discuss such matters as the
direction we wish to follow, administration, selecting and electing a new slate
of team commanders, and to determine the location for the next Gathering.
Additionally, a primary purpose
of the MCITTA will be to research and write the history
of the Interrogator Translator Teams. We have assumed this task with high
spirit to pursue this noble endeavor with the help and input of every Marine
Interrogator. This must be done, and be done collectively. The MOS of
interrogator/translator only existed for a very few years in the Marine Corps.
We were specially trained to extract information from an enemy that was
unwilling to give it freely. Many of us were able to do that in the native
language of that Prisoner of War. These skills were and remain unique.
The ITT’s themselves were unique consisting of,
generally, one officer and twelve enlisted Marines. Almost always these
enlisted men were SNCO’s or NCO’s, which furthered our uniqueness. How we
deployed was different as well. Generally, we were dispatched to the battalion
level in sub teams of one or two interrogators. In this capacity we were
usually "at the front" to maximize the effectiveness of any tactical
information that was obtained. Many Marine interrogators were wounded and/or
received combat decorations for valor in the pursuit of our "trade"
—and some made the supreme sacrifice.
These are the characteristics
we need to preserve for our Marine Corps history. This history must be
documented lest it be forgotten or entrusted to others who do not have the
vis-à-vis experience. We must be the ones who will preserve what we developed and
Through the intimate bonds that
we formed while serving in our ITT’s, we hope to rekindle the same spirit of
camaraderie within the MCITTA and ensure that our history and
contributions to history are not forgotten.
So, too, we wish to remember
and honor our departed brothers, especially those who were killed in combat. We
intend to accomplish this by creating a Cenotaph,
an Honor Roll
of Marine Interrogators and conducting a memorial service each year at the Annual
Gathering as our obligation to them lest their sacrifice be forgotten.
Though noble in our purpose, we
shall always maintain a "fraternal flavor" to our organization that
will place us in distinction by remaining outside the sphere of political
influence. We shall devote ourselves and our organization to fulfilling our
commitment to those with whom we have served.
Charter Constitution Bylaws Current Officers
National Headquarters |
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Questions, comments, changes
and/or additions: Contact Curtis
Ferrell |