Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association

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       MCITTA E-Bulletin Number 01-12                                                       April 2012


The MCITTA E-Bulletin
An Email message for members of the
Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Assn 


Board of Officers
Vince Burdelski
Vice Chairman  
Mike Bianchino
Howie Kahn
Executive Assistant
Felix Conde
Chief Financial Officer
Jack Parker
Informational Manager
Joe Burroughs
Chairman of Monument
Harry J. Todd, Jr.


A Reminder!!!!

This year the MCITTA GATHERING will be held in conjunction with the celebration of the 237th Anniversary of the United States Marine Corps. The dates of the MCITTA 2012 Gathering are November 8-11, 2012. Complete information and registration form can be found in the MCITTA website at

Remember commitment/money is required by 1 September to guarantee ticket availability for the 237TH Marine Corps Ball in Fort Huachua, Arizona on November 9th.

 NOTE:  When making hotel reservations at the Sierra Suites for the Gathering please use the telephone.  The hotel representative says to insure we get the special prices and the reservation goes toward filling the MCITTA block, please call the hotel at (520) 459-4221.

I thank all those already signed up and ask all of you to contact everyone you know to register.  Let's make this dual event Gathering one to warmly remember. 

Monument Update Dec 2011

The monument committee, Howard Kahn and Harry Todd, is in receipt of a foundry proof of the plaque concept once cast. We checked and rechecked for any errors in spelling or modifications necessary prior to monument being poured. The following issues were found: affixing of requested rosettes, a missing hyphen, the enlargement of the dedicatory lettering, the arrangement of text as requested and the downsizing of the MCITTA logo at the bottom. The proof was then sent back for casting. The casting process will begin almost immediately as the foundry has cleared our issues.

 The Museum Committee will be meeting next weekend (March 31- April 1) to determine finalization of the ground breaking. We expect this will occur as early as August. As fixed dates are determined, the monument makers will begin carving the monument. The rock awaits carving in Asheville, N.C. As this process is completed the monument will be shipped to Camp Lejeune, the Museum Committee will be notified and MCITTA will be informed of the exact placement of our monument. We expect that our monument and one other will be in place prior to completion of the museum. This means the monument will be set and settled approximately six to seven months prior to it being dedicated at the 11th Gathering planned in Camp Lejeune for this express purpose in 2013.

The Board solicits your continued financial support of the Monument for incidentals and maintenance.

The attached shows what the Committee received from the foundry and a copy of what we requested.


Warren Smith our resident Historian is in dire need of experiential citations from our members. Here is an overview of  Warren’s request extracted from our website.

As the MCITTA Historian I have undertaken the task of creating an ITT/IT database based on information culled from Vietnam era divisional command chronologies (CCs) and other supporting documents.  Additionally, I have put together a questionnaire (Copy of Questionnaire) that individual ITT/IT Marines are invited to complete.  The questionnaire is for all ITT/IT Marines, not just for Viet Nam era Marines. My concept is to create a history of ITT/IT contributions during the Viet Nam years based on the CCs and other documentation from that time period.  At the same time, I will continue to collect all types of information on ITT/IT activities during the life span of the 0251 MOS. In time, when I have enough primary and secondary source info, it will be put into a narrative history of the ITT/IT and the Marines who served in them. In order to complete this goal I'm asking all former interrogator/translators, both enlisted and officer, or anyone who may have been associated with an ITT/IT regardless of MOS, for help in gathering data. 

This would include, for starters, answering the questions in the questionnaire.  Completed questionnaires should be sent to me at, or Warren Smith, 186 Partridgeberry Lane, Swanzey, NH 03446.  An important part of completing the questionnaire is to attach orders, rosters, unit diaries or any type of photo (attach an explanation of what the photo shows) or document you may have that has info about any period of ITT activity. School and Unit rosters are particularly valuable.  Any documentation that outlines the creation of 0251 MOS and ITT/IT's would be extremely valuable. So please take some time and complete the questionnaire. If you email me I will send you a questionnaire along with my own answers to the questions. Mine is very personal in nature! I did mine in narrative form because I felt more comfortable with this format.  However, the important thing is to complete it in a way you feel comfortable.

Let’s get behind Warren and capture the history of the ITT/IT through the eyes of the makers. Our legacy depends on all our contributions and experiences being recorded for tomorrow’s leaders. So far that history and personal experience has been scarce in materializing.

Remember: If you don’t blow your own horn there won’t be any noise. Let’s get moving and make some noise.

Semper Fidelis

Vince Burdelski

Chairman of the Board, MCITTA

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