Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association
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Virginia Beach, Virginia

September 22, 2014


The meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at 0904 by Chairman of the Board Vince Burdelski.


Roll call of Board:

            Vince Burdelski, Chairman - present

            Michael Bianchino, Vice Chairman of the Board - excused

            Jack Parker, Treasurer - excused

            Felix Conde Jr, Executive Assistant - present

            Howard Kahn, Board Member - present


Minutes of last meeting, October 9, 2013 were read.  Motion made by Howard Kahn and seconded by Felix Conde to approve minutes as presented.  Motion passed by unanimous vote of the board.


Committee Reports: Monument Committee

Howard Kahn reported on the status of the MCITTA Monument.  The Secretary of the Navy has approved the placement of the MCITTA Monument at the Museum for Carolina Marines in Jacksonville, NC.  The Monument should be placed at the museum in the spring of 2015 (March-June).  Plans for dedicating the monument will be disseminated at a later date.

Unfinished Business

a. Discussion/vote on proposal to hold 13th Gathering in Hawaii or an alternate location?

Howard Young reported on the plans for the 13th MCITTA Gathering.  Howard proposed the 13th Gathering be held in Hawaii in September 2015.  John Lopez made a motion, seconded by Jim Tortorici to have a five day Gathering in Hawaii in September 2015.  The motion carried.



b. Reestablishment of a quarterly/semi-annual electronic newsletter appears to be in good order.  A central person to collect the information with various area persons/anyone providing input would be then the person to send out the emails to all who have signed up to receive them.

Resolution: A Facebook Group page was established to satisfy this requirement.


New Business

a. There was a lively discussion regarding reinstituting the MCITTA Newsletter and post it in Facebook.  No action was taken.

b. Board of Directors elections were held with the following results by unanimous vote:

Chairman of the Board:  Vince BurdelskI

Vice Chairman of the Board:  Mike Bianchino

Board Member/Treasurer:  Jack Parker

Board Member/Secretary:  Doug Brower

Board Member: Keyvan Ghovanloo

c. Fourteenth MCITTA Gathering:  Harry Todd made a motion seconded by Jim Riemer to have the 14th MCITTA Gathering in San Antonio, Texas during the Fiesta Days celebrations in April 2016.  The motion passed unanimously.  Felix Conde will host the Gathering.

Good of the Order

Harry Todd announced that the missing MCITTA COB gavel and anvil have been found.  The gavel/anvil was returned anonymously.

The COB reminded all members of the MCITTA to update the personal ITT history.  The necessary forms can be found on the MCITTA website.  All are encouraged to submit ITT related history to Jeff Smith, MCITTA Webmaster for inclusion.

COB Vince Burdelski made a motion seconded by Harold Weist to adjourn the 2014 business meeting.  Motion passed.  Meeting was adjourned by COB Burdelski at 1601.


Jim Tortorici asked how a non-Facebook Account MCITTA member could access the MCITTA Facebook page? Answer: 1.Sign on to the MCITTA website. 2. On the Home page invoke Join us now on Facebook. 3. Access to MCITTA Group Facebook Account will be permitted.

Point is a member does not need a Facebook Account to access our MCITTA Facebook page. 

Executive Assistant was corrected to Secretary.

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1900 S. Ocean Blvd
Apt 14L
Lauderdale By The Sea, Florida

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Copyright 2007- Present by Jeff Smith

Questions, comments, changes and/or additions: Contact Jeff Smith
